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Golf Instruction

Learn the Game of a Lifetime

“Lessons give you the tools to practice and take to the golf course that will help you play better, score lower, and enjoy more.” 

– Scott Sklar, Meadia Heights’ Head Golf Professional

Meadia Heights’ player development program is dedicated to improving the games of golfers of all ages and abilities. We offer single-lesson tune-ups, multi-lesson series, and special training options for junior player development — for both our members and the general public. 

Scott and his team love to prepare golfers for competition and lifelong fun!

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Learn the Game of a Lifetime

“Lessons give you the tools to practice and take to the golf course that will help you play better, score lower, and enjoy more.” 

– Scott Sklar, Meadia Heights’ Head Golf Professional

Meadia Heights’ player development program is dedicated to improving the games of golfers of all ages and abilities. We offer single-lesson tune-ups, multi-lesson series, and special training options for junior player development — for both our members and the general public. 

Scott and his team love to prepare golfers for competition and lifelong fun!

Schedule a Lesson

Scott Sklar


During the early stages of Scott’s career, he learned from a number of Top 100 instructors, many of whom coached PGA pros. Through this experience, he developed his own teaching philosophy, which he has successfully deployed for more than a decade. 

Scott respects each golfer’s unique swing style. Rather than teaching mechanics, he focuses on the hands at the “impact zone,” as established in Bobby Clampett’s seminal book, The Impact Zone. He teaches the five swing dynamics for finding the better impact zone for all golf shots, and says, “It makes me feel good every time a student finds the proper swing dynamics and lets one loose during their lesson.” Scott’s goals for the short game are to create critical consistency and dramatically lower scores; for the long game, to create optimal distance and accuracy.  

In 2009, after completing the PGA Golf Management Program at Methodist University in Fayetteville, North Carolina, Scott graduated with his Class A PGA Certification and a degree in Business Administration. Before joining Meadia Heights, he fine-tuned his teaching style as Head Golf Professional at Patriots Glen and Tanglewood Manor.

Billy Heller


With degrees in Golf Course Management and Specialized Business, Billy is responsible for all MGA, WGA18, and WGA9 tournament operations. Billy started at Meadia in 2012, returned in 2019, and has worked at Hawk Valley Golf Club, Foxchase Golf Club, and RiverCrest Golf Club & Reserve.

Mike Bair


Mike has been a scratch-level golfer for 10 years and loves teaching the game. You’ll find him hosting instructional clinics and giving private lessons at Meadia and Lancaster Indoor Golf. A native of York, PA, Mike served in the Air Force after high school.

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