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Guest Information

Tee Time Policies

Members may invite guests to play golf and enjoy the clubhouse facilities provided all parties adhere to the following policies:

  • Tuesday – Sunday & Holidays (April – October): One guest per foursome before 10 a.m.
  • Wednesday & Friday: A limit of two guests per foursome after 10 a.m.
  • The same person can be a guest three times per year. If visiting more often than that, we would like them to consider joining MHGC.
  • Small Groups: A member may bring a group of up to 15 players as long as the member accompanies the group. Tee times must be made for Tuesdays or Thursdays after 10 a.m. only.

Note: Members are responsible for communicating our dress code policy to guests. The standard pace of play is four hours, and violating this pace can result in not allowing the group back again, at the professional staff’s discretion.

To ensure accuracy, members must check in to the golf shop before the round begins and notify the golf shop staff how payment will be made. The 2025 guest fee rate is $75, inclusive of cart fees.

Dress Code

To honor and respect the game we love, the club, our members, and our staff, we request our guests adhere to Meadia Heights’ guidelines for appropriate attire.

While it is not possible to list all nuances of appropriate attire, the standard by which Meadia Heights shall operate will be of a conservative, tailored nature.

Please note:

  • The golf professional staff is authorized to indicate to members and guests when their attire is inappropriate.
  • Members are at all times responsible to ensure their guests and family members meet the club’s dress code requirements.

Course Attire: Men
Course Attire: Women
Clubhouse Attire

Course Attire: Men

Appropriate attire for gentlemen includes:

  • Shirts with collars
  • Mock turtleneck shirts
  • Neat pants
  • Bermuda shorts

Also note:

  • Shirts must be tucked in at all times
  • Belts are encouraged
  • Golf hats must be worn with the brim facing forward
  • Golf shoes must be soft spikes only

Inappropriate items of clothing include:

  • Blue denim jeans
  • Short-shorts (hem may be no higher than three inches from the top of the knee)
  • Athletic/gym shorts
  • Cargo pants or shorts
  • Athletic/sweat pants
  • Warm-up suits
  • Tee shirts
  • Tank tops
  • Any clothing that is worn, torn, baggy, ripped, or has holes

Any gentlemen attired in inappropriate items shall not be permitted on the golf course.

Course Attire: Women

Appropriate attire for women includes:

  • Shirts with collars
  • Neat pants or shorts
  • Sleeveless tops must have a collar
  • Sleeved golf and polo-type tops may be collarless

Also note:

  • Inseams for all shorts should measure at least 5 inches in length
  • Skorts, capris, and pants are acceptable so long as they are not denim
  • Golf shoes must be soft spikes only

Inappropriate items of clothing include:

  • Blue denim jeans
  • Gym shorts
  • Cargo pants or shorts
  • Athletic/sweat pants
  • Warm-up suits
  • Tee shirts
  • Tank tops
  • Any clothing that is worn, torn, baggy, ripped, or has holes

Any women attired in inappropriate items shall not be permitted on the golf course.

Clubhouse Attire

Golf course restrictions also apply to the clubhouse, with the exception that neat, suitable jeans are permitted as well; sports team attire is permitted at relevant times in the clubhouse.

We are confident that our members and their guests will adhere to our dress code policy.

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